Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Rep Meetings; Part One

"Finish each day and be done with it.  You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.  Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered by your old nonsense." ~Emerson

Today was a lot of things.  

It started early, as yesterday extended on until about one thirty this morning when I needed to edit my work in last month's commercial showcase into a demo disc.  Then it was getting up early to get to the office to rush all day with a big project in a time crunch.  Then it was a late lunch break in which I was neither lunching nor breaking because I had an interview with a potential new manager.  Then it was rushing back to the office to get as much work done before I had to zip over to acting class.  It was a full day, but it was a good day.

So this meeting was with a potential manager.  He has a great reputation and I could use a little boost getting in some doors.  I am a lot more on top of my game now than I was when I taking these meetings a couple years ago.  I prepared as if I were pitching a big product or service in some other industry.  I prepared packages of the materials I use to market this product.  I walked in knowing part of the battle is to win them over with personality.  I'm studying with a new coach, my level of skill has skyrocketed in a matter of a few weeks.  For the first time in my career, I unapologetically know I deserve to be here... and that they'd be lucky to sign me.  (Plus, it doesn't hurt that I have a meeting with a great agent tomorrow.)

In a lot of ways, it was a spectacular meeting.  I liked them, I had them laughing, I had them engaged, and when it came to that portion... I sang my little heart out.  But there was only one problem... I kinda feel like I bombed my monologues.  They were definitely not representative of my best work. Um, dang it Anony.  That's kind of an important thing to nail.  They weren't terrible, they just weren't amazing.  And in this town... you've got to deliver amazing, or someone else will.

But, surprisingly, I'm not dwelling on it too much.  I have the quote above posted near my nightstand so I see it every night before I set my alarm.  Finish each day and be done with it.  As I lie down to sleep every night, I take a moment to be honest with myself.  Did I do the best I could in that moment?  Am I giving it my all?  Yes.  All of those blunders and absurdities, they're just life.  And tomorrow is a new day.

I may be wrong, but I'm still pretty confident that it was at least good enough to get them to call me in for the cold read interview.  

(And we'll get 'em then, won't we guys??!)

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